Living With Ed – Environmentally Responsible Living : Home & Garden Television OK – it’s a new year, and time for new thinking! Seriously, the green movement has gone mainstream, and this new “docu-soap” looks like it might be a good mix of humor and insight on what it takes to hop on board.

You know my blood is running green these days, and I am sure that Dan and I will find more than a few things to laugh about. Hey, it’s been a long road, but Dan is totally on-board with buying organic, replacing light bulbs, windpower, socially responsible investing (well – I think he’s on board, he signed the paperwork), and hybrid cars (plug-in hybrid if we had the option). Let me tell you, it’s a process, a dialogue, AND an education! For Dan, even though he is definitely NOT an Al Gore fan, the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” hit a chord that really shifted his perspective on the environment, and our responsibility to future generations. Anyway, we’re gonna check out this new show! Tune in!