The Time Is Now! The 50+ generation will leave a legacy by igniting a revolution to reinvent America according to Bill Novelli, current Chief Executive at AARP.
I love this Bigger Game, and the Bigger Game players that are being ignited in their 50’s and 60’s. My question is this–why wait until you retire? Why not reinvent America wherever you are–here and now? And why stop at re-inventing America, how about we change the world?
For a different take on this one, check out this new social networking community on The Zaadz mission:
“Our Mission. We’re gonna change the world. Our math goes like this: you be the change + you follow your bliss + you give your greatest strengths to the world moment to moment to moment + we do everything in our power to help you succeed + you inspire and empower everyone you know to do the same + we team up with millions like us = we just affected billions = we (together) changed the world.
Our Plan. Ours involves Conscious Capitalism infused with Spirituality and a healthy dose of Enthusiasm, Love, Service, Inspiration, Passion, Humor and Teamwork. People CRAZY enough to think they can change the world, Courageous enough to do something about it, AND Committed enough to stick to it when they feel like giving up.
We’re in the process of building THE most inspired community of people in the world…social networking with a purpose, a community of seekers and conscious entrepreneurs circulating wisdom and inspiration and wealth and all that good stuff. We’re passionate about inspiring and empowering people to bring their dreams to life, learning and growing and getting paid to do what they love, using their greatest gifts in the greatest service to the world. (And having fun in the process!)”
And check out this article in US Today – Gen Y Gets Involved. From this article:
“61% of 13- to 25-year-olds feel personally responsible for making a difference in the world, suggests a survey of 1,800 young people to be released today. It says 81% have volunteered in the past year; 69% consider a company’s social and environmental commitment when deciding where to shop, and 83% will trust a company more if it is socially/environmentally responsible. The online study — by two Boston-based companies, Cone Inc. and AMP Insights — suggests these millennials are “the most socially conscious consumers to date.”
Now let’s go younger! Check out – with this mission:
“Mission: YouthNoise’s mission is to inspire and empower young people everywhere to catapult their passion and idealism into movements to sustain the planet.
Vision: One day millions of young people around the globe will work together through the YouthNoise platform and beyond it to make their communities and the world a better place for their generation and generations to come.”
Okay, so we’ve got the younger and older generations covered. So what’s happening in the middle….? Hmmmm…… Well, that would be a longer post – and it’s what a lot of my blog is all about.
The bottom line? The time IS now. And it is happening, there is actually a movement building – a Bigger Game movement. In all generations, there are seeds sprouting into communities of like-minded people. Because it fills us up. It’s needed out there (in the world), and we need it too – to know that we are here for a reason, and we CAN do something important with our unique gifts.
Play on, folks. Play on!