The social entrepreneur: Bill Drayton

Not a new article – but new to me! I love this idea of social entrepreneurs – defined by Bill Drayton as “individuals who combine the pragmatic and results-oriented methods of a business entrepreneur with the goals of a social reformer. It gives me great hope that folks like Bill Drayton exist. Here’s what he’s up to according to US News:

“Through his global nonprofit, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, based in Arlington, Va., Drayton aims to find change-making leaders around the world, provide them with support and modest “social venture capital,” and watch as they transform ingrained institutions and improve lives exponentially.”

This is so very much in alignment with one of my favorite companies – The Bigger Game Company. Clearly, Bill Drayton is enabling social entrepreneurs to play Bigger Games, and as he plays his own…

Where there’s a will, there’s a way….